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Curaden Daily Gel Denture Cleanser 60ml

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Sale Price: £7.27 RRP: £7.66
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  • Daily Gel to assist with the removal of plaque and stains
  • BDC does not present any harm to the acrylic resin
  • Allows dentures remain clean and shiny for years
  • Eucalyptus-Oil forms a micro-film on your dentures
  • Leaves a fresh taste and sealing the surface of the denture
  • Denture cleaning gel is recommended for use on a daily basis

Brand Curaden

What makes CURAPROX BDC denture cleaning different?

With citric acid and sodium citrate, the removal of plaque and stain is far easier to perform after soaking the denture with the citric-acid containing BDC daily, weekly and concentrate. Contrary to the oxygen-producing products, BDC does not present any harm to the acrylic resin – the dentures remain clean and shiny for years.

Eucalyptus-Oil Forms a micro-film on your dentures – leaving a fresh taste and sealing the surface of the denture with protection at once.

Sea-Salt stabilizes and increases the effect of citric acid. Manufactured in Switzerland, this denture cleaning gel is recommended for use on a daily basis.

Usage: Daily