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Dent-O-Care Mouth Mirror

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Sale Price: £2.09 RRP: £2.32
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  • Designed to assist inspection of hard to see areas of the mouth
  • Used to view the inside surfaces of the teeth and gums
  • Tilted mirror makes it easy to check the decayed tooth and other dental problems
  • Helps to maintain good oral care

Brand Dentocare

Mouth mirrors similar to what's used by dentists, aid in maintaining good dental health at home.

Though these elongated mirrors act as indirect tools, they're useful in showing areas you may have missed in your day to day routine of brushing and flossing.

Mirrors can also reveal discoloration or even the presence of some cavities that create sensitive pits in your teeth. If you have fillings or other dental work you'd like to keep an eye on, these mirrors make the task a lot easier. Knowing what to monitor is something you and your dentist should discuss together. Or, if you're simply fascinated with your pearly whites, a mouth mirror is a good way to learn about their dynamic surfaces and unique ridges.